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[Summary] The History Of Halloween / Nightly News Kids Edition New report on covid-19 learning loss among students As students have gone through covid-19, They could not concentrate on their learning. Remote learning made them distracted. Educational progress tested about 450,000 of 4th and 8th grade students across the country. Especially, the grade of math was deepest declined, the scores of students in all states except for Utah fell. Now, in-person clas.. 2022. 11. 25.
[Summary] United Nations Explained / Nightly News Kids Edition The roles of the United Nations The United Nations has played an important role that affects the whole world. It places a value on peace all over the world. Especially, the member countries of the United Nations discuss the climate problem and Russian occupation of Ukraine these days. The history of the United Nations has started since 1945 after second world war. The United Nations performed a .. 2022. 11. 25.
[Summary] Farewell To Queen Elizabeth / Nightly News Kids Edition Farewell of Elizabeth II Elizabeth II died September 8th aged 96. Not only English but also a lot of people in the world grieved for her after she died. It is because she is held in honor and gains everybody’s affections. As everyone knows, she is the anchor of the United Kingdom and rule over the country for 70 years. She has held the queen’s seat even in difficult times, from World War II to c.. 2022. 11. 25.
[Summary] Is Laughter The Best Medicine? / Nighly News Kids Edition A Hopeful Process of Recovery Hurricane Ian struck the parts of Florida, so many people were dispossessed of their home by it. However, they did not give up, they decided to build it again. Everybody tried to remove all traces of the hurricane. Volunteers tried to offer food, water, generators, flashlights and batteries. However, there was where the power was out in several areas, so schools wer.. 2022. 11. 24.
[Summary] What Is A Hurricane? / Nightly News Kids Edition About Hurricane Weather is very important to our lives. What we can do depends on weather conditions such as going outside and what to wear. There are different kinds of weather in the world. Among them, one of the strongest storms is a hurricane. It is strong storm with winds that can reach up to 200 miles per hour. Besides, it has a huge spinning pinwheel hundreds of miles across clouds. Howev.. 2022. 11. 24.
[English Words] October 30 - November 5(that time/ invlunarily/guobaorou) 일주일 동안 찾아보고 저장한 영어단어를 정리해보려고 해요! 그 때 that time[moment], those days[times], then, at that time 그 때라는 말, 영어로 글 쓰다보면 많이 쓰게 돼요. - I really miss those days. 그 때가 정말 그립다 - Ok. I'll see you then. 좋아요, 그럼 그 때 봐요 단독주택 single-family house 누가 나중에 엄청~ 큰~ 단독주택에 살고 싶다고 하면서 영어로 뭐라고 하는지 묻더라고요. -About sixty-six percent of the people in the U.S own their own single-family house. 미국인 중 약 66%의 사람들이 자신의 집을 갖고 있다. 베란.. 2022. 11. 5.