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[Speaking English] 이직_영어면접(feat. 스픽 프리톡) 스픽 프리톡을 이용해서 회화를 연습하고 있어요.저의 지극히 개인적인 이야기입니다^^;;기록으로 좀 남기고 싶어서 이런 글을 올리게 되었습니다.     A: Hey, I heard you're feeling stressed about the English lecture for your interview. Don't worry, you're an amazing instructor! Just be confident and show them how great you are. Me: Actually, at the previous academy, I taught my students in Korean. I wanted to teach them some content in English, but I couldn’t... 2024. 4. 26.
[Summary] Why haven't we had a snow day yet?/Nightly News: KIds Edition Winter Storms Snow, rain, and even some tornadoes broke out in Texas and Louisiana. More than 100 tornadoes came to the U.S. in January so far. Kid Governor Sworn in Ellie Mendez, who is a fifth grader, was sworn in as Connecticut’s kid governor. She will serve a one-year term and wants to improve children’s mental health in the classroom. American Skier Makes History American alpine skier Micha.. 2023. 2. 21.
[English Words] December 23-27(fairly/spit/receive/sincerely) 1. fairly 1) 상당히, 꽤 a fairly easy book 2) 공정하게, 정직하게 He has always treated me very fairly. 3) 정말(강조 용법) The time fairly raced by. 2. 내뱉다 1) 입안에 있는 것을 - spit (out) spit on the street 2) 말, 욕 등을 - spit (out), blurt out, rap (out) blurt sth out 3. 뱉다 1) 침 등을 - spit (out), expectorate(formal) spit (out) phlegm 2) 말을 Words once spoken can never be recalled. 3) 도로 내놓다 - cough up(informal) Cough up all.. 2022. 12. 29.
[English Words] December 12 - December 18(lasagne/trainer/hang back/threshold/decompose/civilization/advanced/befriend/week-long) 1. lasagne 라자냐 2. trainer 운동화 a pair of trainers 미국에서는 sneakers라고 하고, 왜 이름이 sneakers인지에 대해 유래가 있는데, 영국에서 운동화를 주로 왜 trainer라고 부르는지는 찾지 못했어요. 3. 쭈뼛거리다 - hang back, hesitate, waver He keeps hanging back. 4. 역시 1) (또한) also, too, as well, (부정문에서) either That's what I think, too. 2) (예상했던 대로) as expected, as one expected It's just as I expected. 3) (예전과 마찬가지로) As usual(always), I left home around sev.. 2022. 12. 28.
[English Words] December 11(unfold/prototype/bracelet/expedition/treachery/seduction/in pursuit of/venomous/grant) 1. unfold 1) 접혀있는 것을 펴다, 펼치다, 펴지다, 펼쳐지다 to unfold a map 2) 어떤 내용이 서서히 펼쳐지다, 밝혀지다, 펼치다, 밝히다 The audience watched as the story unfolded before their eyes. 2. prototype 원형 the prototype of the modern bicycle 3. bracelet 팔찌 4. displace 1) 대신하다 Gradually factory workers have been displaced by machines. 2) 살던 곳에서 쫓아내다 Around 10,000 people have been displaced by the fighting. 3) 평소의 위치에서 옮겨놓다. Check fo.. 2022. 12. 28.
[Summary] Teen Invents Headphones To Help Treat Ear Infections / Nightly News Kids Edition A Fighting Better Method to Virus We can be sick because of covid, the common cold, the flu, a sore throat, and a stomach bug. When we are sick, our immune system is working hard to fight off the virus. How should we fight them off well? First, sleep. Sleep slows down other functions; this saves energy so your immune system can keep fighting to help you feel better. Next, medicine can relieve sy.. 2022. 12. 15.