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[Summary] Is Laughter The Best Medicine? / Nighly News Kids Edition

by loveelovee 2022. 11. 24.


A Hopeful Process of Recovery


  Hurricane Ian struck the parts of Florida, so many people were dispossessed of their home by it. However, they did not give up, they decided to build it again. Everybody tried to remove all traces of the hurricane. Volunteers tried to offer food, water, generators, flashlights and batteries. However, there was where the power was out in several areas, so schools were closed. In this kind of disaster, children had to look after themselves such as their mental and physical health. The way to take care of themselves was to get enough sleep, pay attention something that make them happy. Also, at times like this, they needed to broaden our horizon from themselves to others. For example, they could donate money to charity with help of parents and have a fundraiser or drive in their community or in their schools. This can be a way to deal with stress in extreme situations. In fact, animals were suffering from the hurricane Ian because they lost their home. The animals were not injured, while the house was destroyed, so there were groups that build their houses, and there were places that could accommodate about 180 dogs. In addition to, there were animal sent to animal centres in New Jersey. All this showed hope that Florida will continue to recover.



The Justice of the Supreme Court


  The Supreme court is the highest court in the country made up of nine justices. They make judgments about disagreement by listening to both sides and being based on the law. Thurgood Marshall was the first African American justice and Sandra Day O’Connor was the first woman justice in the Supreme court. After that, five women justices were approved in the US. Justices usually wear black robes, however, the reason why they wear the robes is not proved. Justices in England just wear black robes to wear in the same way. Besides, from the late 1700s to early 1800s, we can see paintings in which the court wore a black robe with red and white elements on the sleeves. Before trial, chief justices shake their hands, it means they promise to give a fair decision based on the law although they have different minds.



The Importance of The Laughter

  Laugh is very important because it is good for our health. When we laugh out saying “ha!”,
Several things happen at once. Our face muscles tighten, and chest muscles end up doing the same, forcing air out of our lungs while the air rushes out it vibrates our vocal. If we feel tremendously funny, our eyes may start to water, arms and legs muscles can get loose. People usually can laugh before 3-month-old, also laughing is a sure social clue helping us connect with people work together and make friends. When laughing, we can reduce our stress, improve mood and confidence, even relieve pain by releasing endorphins.



The Eyesight of Lizards and Snakes


  Depending on the type of snake and lizard, vision is both good and bad. It is wrong that snakes only see shapes and movements because of their poor eyesight. Some snakes that hunt during the day have good eyesight. There are also lizards with good eyesight, depending on the species.



Help Others with What You Like


  Julia Barnes is a special fifth grader because she has published two books. The books raised the proceeds to build a well in Africa. This time, she starts to pay attention to the hunger of the US kids. One-eighth of children, approximately nine million, are suffering from hunger in the United States. So, she would like to raise one thousand dollars for hungry kids through her new book because she will use the money to get 10000 meals for them. She is doing a good job finding what she can do. She advises you to help others with what you like.
