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[Summary] What Is A Hurricane? / Nightly News Kids Edition

by loveelovee 2022. 11. 24.


About Hurricane


  Weather is very important to our lives. What we can do depends on weather conditions such as going outside and what to wear. There are different kinds of weather in the world. Among them, one of the strongest storms is a hurricane. It is strong storm with winds that can reach up to 200 miles per hour. Besides, it has a huge spinning pinwheel hundreds of miles across clouds. However, the center of hurricane called ‘the eye’ is clean and calm. Hurricane is made from water that at least 80 degrees in the Atlantic Ocean, so it usually generates in summer. The warm water rises to the air and cause to make clouds and thunderstorms form. And then, even more clouds rise and produce the storm bigger and stronger. The winds also are faster as well, when they reach 39 miles per hour, it is called tropical storm. Hurricane is defined when the wind blows at a speed of 74 miles per hour. If it arises and remains in the ocean, it is not harmful however, when it comes up to the land, it is a different story. Especially, when hurricane arrives the coastline, it is heavy rain flooding and strong winds. When hurricane causes, we should know where to get weather information, and where you will go. Moreover, we should check the important items to use such as a flashlight, a phone, tablet chargers and favorite snacks. We will have to prepare well for hurricanes to prevent damage as mush as possible.



How Astronauts Float


  Astronauts can float in space because of zero gravity. That means there is no gravity in the universe, so, while they are in orbit around the Earth and going so fast, they cannot be affected the gravity. Not only people, but everything floats in there. Astronauts should be careful in the changed environment, but they can adapt quickly. When they come back to Earth, they should get used to gravity again.



New born

Three lions were born at a zoo in the Gaza Strip. The total number of lions at the zoo came to 11.



Healthy School Lunch for kids

  Making a sack lunch for kids is easy if you have 10 minutes. Parents can plan a simple but nutritious diet. It has ham and cheese roll-ups, organic carrots, berries, hummus and protein bar that they can buy easily at the store. If they have a little bit more time, they can organize the packed lunch including pasta with sauce, ricotta on top, some fruit, nuts and seeds. Most of all, they can make raw protein balls with nuts, seeds and dates. To be healthier, they can make rice a little bit, hard boiled eggs for intaking protein, cucumber, cheese, apple, and oat clusters with probiotics in 20 minutes.




Hummus 후무스 병아리콩 으깬 것과 오일, 마늘을 섞은 중동 지방 음식

Dates 대추

